We know you’re a compassionate advocate for animals, and your past support has already made a crucial difference in our work to protect them from harm. But right now, we urgently need your help to make a meaningful difference for animals before it’s too late for Congress to act. The closer we get to the November elections, the more our hard-fought progress for animals is at risk of stalling in Congress. So please, will you help the Humane Society Legislative Fund achieve lifesaving change for vulnerable animals by becoming a monthly donor today?

HSLF is working tirelessly to achieve the best outcomes for vulnerable animals in industrial farms, research and testing labs, puppy mills and roadside zoos and more. In our years of fighting for animals, we’ve seen that a majority of Americans want all levels of government to pass policies that protect animals from senseless cruelty and save lives. But that’s not always reflected in the ways many of our representatives act, so it’s up to us to let them know their constituents want them to protect animals, not the industries that continue to exploit them.
Becoming a monthly donor is the best way to help advance this important work, friend. Consistent and dependable contributions allow our team to keep the pressure on leaders at all levels of government to make protections for animals a high priority.
From barren laboratories to crowded industrial farms, vulnerable animals are counting on us, and we can’t abandon them now. We’re committed to fighting on their behalf, but we’re counting on your monthly support to make lifesaving policies a reality. Will you please help HSLF continue our work to protect all animals from harm by becoming a monthly donor today?
Thank you for your commitment to protecting animals from harm.