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AVFCA Lawyers Go to Court Tomorrow to Fight for
Religious Exemptions for School Vaccine Requirements...
We Need Your Help TODAY!
California never had a standalone Religious Exemption for K-12 vaccination requirements. However, in December 2023, A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s lawyers filed a lawsuit on behalf of three plaintiffs claiming the SB 277 goes against the US Constitution’s First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause and California law must include a Religious Exemption in the statute requiring children to get vaccines to be enrolled in public or private school (more info and background:
Not surprisingly, the state filed a Motion to Dismiss this case, including an Exhibit of over 300 pages outlining the history of school vaccination requirements (a great summary to have on hand!). AVFCA’s lawyers responded with a brilliantly written Opposition brief. If you read the Motion to Dismiss and the Opposition brief, what quickly becomes clear is that the state is basing their argument on 100+ year old cases and our lawyers are basing the Plaintiffs’ arguments, not only on historic cases, but also on a multitude of cases from the last 12 months, where time after time judges have ruled in favor of religious exemptions against vaccine mandates. While these cases include the case that instated a Religious Exemption for school vaccines in Mississippi, the rest are based on employee rights rather than student rights, they have set the stage for upholding religious rights, so AVFCA is hopeful that our lawsuit will be successful, even if it means going all the way to the Supreme Court!
Our lawyers go to court tomorrow, Friday September 13th, to argue why our case has standing and should not be dismissed. The judge has given us a sneak peak as to what she is thinking by releasing a preliminary order late last week. She has questions regarding our plaintiffs standing related to how the plaintiffs have been injured given their children are homeschooled or doing independent study, whether the injury is on the parents only or the children themselves, and therefore if they children should be included in the lawsuit. All of these questions are obvious to our side and which are in part explained in our brief, but our lawyers will answer for the judge at the hearing on Friday.
Lawsuits are very expensive. AVFCA's legal team is prepared to take this case all the way to the Supreme Court. While AVFCA's legal team generously charges us a discounted hourly rate, this lawsuit will require hundreds of hours of their time and will likely cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thus far it has cost over $50,000, and we are right at the start! AVFCA has taken on paying for this lawsuit because of our passion for Health Rights and Medical Freedom, as well as our desire to ensure Religious Rights when it comes to vaccine mandates. But AVFCA is completely funded by donations made by you. So we need your help TODAY. If you want to see a religious exemption instated for school vaccine requirements in California, please donate today, so we can ensure this lawsuit will bring health rights and medical freedom back to California’s children. AVFCA does not often ask for donations, but this is one of those times...
AVFCA cannot do this without you!
For the next 7 days we have a matching donation up to $50,000
Please DONATE anything and everything you can TODAY
so we can maximize on this donation!

Over the last 9 years A Voice for Choice Advocacy, and our sister organization, A Voice for Choice, have been sustained only by grassroots donations, as well as my own significant donations. We are so thankful to everyone who has generously donated. However, AVFCA always needs your help to make our efforts sustainable. If you appreciate the work we do, AVFCA asks you to donate as generously as you can - no amount is too little or too great! If you are not already, please consider becoming a monthly donor:
For those not wanting to give through PayPal (we are looking to use another vendor in the near future), you can send a check, use Venmo or use Zelle:
Send Check to: A Voice for Choice Advocacy, 530 Showers Drive #7404, Mountain View CA 94040
Send Venmo to: @avoiceforchoice (Note: you have to search under "Business" to find us)
Send Zelle to: [email protected]
For other ways to donate and support A Voice for Choice, please go to our website: Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
