Call your DNC delegate today and let them know you want a Climate Debate

Dear John, 

This July was the hottest month in recorded history across the world. With fires in Alaska and flooding from Brooklyn to Baltimore, there just isn’t enough urgency around the climate crisis in this election. That’s a big problem. 

Our next president must have a clear and bold plan for climate action. That’s why we need a robust climate debate, but the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair, Tom Perez, has blocked it at every turn. Perez believes that a climate debate isn’t a strong enough topic, but we have the opportunity to prove him wrong

On August 23rd the DNC’s 400+ members will vote on this issue — and it’s up to all of us to make the loudest noise so Tom Perez and business as usual politicians won't be able to ignore us any longer. 

Take two minutes today to call on your local DNC delegate to vote for a climate debate. 

Thanks to hundreds of thousands of supporters like you calling on the DNC and Tom Perez, dozens of DNC delegates submitted a resolution supporting a climate debate for a vote at their Summer meeting next week. Now we have to build on that winning momentum and make sure they vote “yes” to host a climate debate. 

We’re not alone in calling for a climate debate either. Twenty of the Democratic presidential candidates are in favor. So why is the DNC’s leadership resisting both the public demand and candidate support for a climate debate? 

DNC members are supposed to represent the voters of their states’ interests, so let’s make sure they know it’s in our interest to see a DNC-sanctioned climate debate. 

Call your DNC delegate today and let them know you want a Climate Debate. 

The field of candidates will continue to narrow, but this is the phase where we get to see them all wrestle with the issues we care about in a public forum. All candidates will soon be answering critical questions we have around how they will address the climate crisis and transition our country off fossil fuels. 

To ensure we choose the right candidate to tackle the climate crisis, we need a Democratic Party that will give us the platform we need to get all the facts.  Will you call your local DNC representative and make sure they vote ‘yes’ for a climate debate?

Let’s make the next two weeks count,

Clarissa Brooks

P.S. Want to do more? Tweet at your favorite candidate (heck you can tweet at all of them!) and urge them to sign the Day One Pledge. We believe any candidate who wants to be President should be prepared to make climate action a priority before entering the office.

This message has been authorized and paid for by 350 Action, 20 Jay St, Suite 732, Brooklyn, NY 11201, May Boeve, Executive Director. This message has not been expressly authorized, requested, or approved by any federal, state, or local candidate, candidate’s committee or their agents, or by any ballot issue committee.

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