The most effective way you can help people in Burma

Dear John,

In the first week of September, Burmese military airstrikes across Burma killed dozens of people, including 7 children.

We need you to write to your MP about this crisis.

If you don’t live in the UK, you can write to your elected representative in your country using the points in this email, or write directly to the British Foreign Secretary here.

We know from decades of experience that regardless of what you think of your MP, or MPs generally, this really is one of the most effective things you can do to help people in Burma.

It works.

In the last Parliament we had around 100 MPs who were interested or sympathetic to what is going on in Burma, and at key moments were willing to lobby the government to act.

Having a large number of supportive MPs in Parliament can make the difference between winning and losing a campaign. We have a huge number of new MPs in Parliament, and a new government.

The scale of the crisis in Burma is enormous. The scale of the British government response has reduced to small measures at a snail’s pace.

If you live in the UK, please write to your MP now.

The British government must:

  • Sanction Burmese and international companies involved in supplying jet fuel to the military.

  • Sanction Burmese state-owned banks used by the military to purchase arms and receive revenue.

  • Triple UK aid to Burma, working with local civil society and others to ensure it reaches people in areas not under Burmese military control.

  • Expel the Burmese military attaché from the UK. The Burmese military are not welcome in the UK.

Please do let us know how your MP responds, you can email us at [email protected]

If you don’t live in the UK, you can write to your elected representative in your country using the points in this email, or write directly to the British Foreign Secretary here.

Thank you for your support,

Mark Farmaner
