Take a look at our latest ad
Hey team, we have very exciting news. We are back up on TV with a new ad.

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Last month, we had to make the tough decision to pull down our TV ads due to the budget gap we faced. But grassroots supporters like you made it possible to go back up again, so we want you to be the first to know all about it.
This is our first ad of the fall campaign. As kids head back to school, we are focusing on Dave Reichert’s extreme record on education. Reichert criticized Washington for having some of the highest-paid teachers — he believes teachers in our state are overpaid.
Not only that, but Reichert wants to gut funding for public schools in favor of unaccountable private schools and supports a voucher system.
Bob, as the son of a public school teacher, knows we need more investments in our education system, not less. As a champion for education fairness, Bob will continue that work as Governor. Voting starts October 18, and we need voters to know Reichert’s record on education before they cast their ballots.
This new TV ad will help us reach thousands of voters so we want to keep it on air as long as possible.
We purchase our ads one week at a time. In order to fund our TV ad for next week, we need to raise another $25,000 by noon tomorrow. Please make a donation of $5 or more right now to help us reach our weekly goal.
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Thank you for your support.
Campaign Manager
Bob Ferguson for Governor