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Community hubs video – a big team effort
In March the council, Action Together and Oldham Food bank, launched our community helpline and community hubs for people to get vital food and support during the coronavirus crisis.
Since then we have had over 2270 calls and helped 2500 people.
We are really proud of the huge team effort across Oldham that has made this happen. Watch Cllr Arooj Shah explain how it all works here here ([link removed][UNIQID]) .
Share your rainbow or Ramadan poster
Partners from all sectors across Oldham are working together to ensure communities observing Ramadan and celebrating Eid are safe and well.
As part of our work the Oldham Community Safety Partnership is asking our young people to draw a rainbow or brightly coloured Ramadan poster.
Then if they display it in their front window, they could get the chance to receive some free Ramadan goodies.
For more information and advice around Ramadan and other council services ** ([link removed][UNIQID])
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Oldham Council . Civic Centre . West Street . Oldham, OL1 1UT . United Kingdom