Image courtesy of National Archives, 111-SC-320901


Today is the anniversary of September 11, 2001, I want to take a moment to reflect with you on that devastating day and the impact it had on all of us. Nearly twenty three years later, the memories are still fresh,lives lost, the families torn apart, and the sense of safety we once took for granted. That day also brought out the best in so many. We saw ordinary people become heroes, rushing into danger to help others. Their selflessness and bravery remind us of the strength and resilience that define our great country . It’s a powerful reminder that even in our darkest moments, we can find light through unity and compassion. As we remember those we lost, let’s also think about what it means to be part of this incredible country. We face challenges today that can feel daunting, but we can draw inspiration from our history. Just as we have overcome trials before, we can face the future with hope and determination. As members of the Hawaii Republican Party, we have an important role in shaping the future of our state and nation. Let’s come together to stand up for the values we hold dear for freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. We can honor the memory of those lost on 9/11 by working towards a better future, one where our children and grandchildren can thrive. In this time of remembrance, let’s turn our grief into action. Let’s show that we are strong and united, ready to face whatever comes our way. Together, we can make a difference and continue to stand strong for America. With warm thoughts and remembrance,


Tamara McKay

State Chair

Hawaii Republican Party