Everything happening this week at DSA-LA



September Chapter Meeting


Saturday, September 14 @ 12pm

Calling all members! Join us for our September chapter meeting!

Agenda and more info to come! Location details will be sent out to RSVPs.

If you’re not yet a DSA member, today’s a great day to join!


Election Day is less than two months away! Knock Doors for our Candidates!

Karla Griego for LAUSD School Board


Karla is a parent, teacher, and activist who has been working and organizing at school sites, on picket lines, in town halls, and in the community to bring all of us together to win the schools that Los Angeles deserves. Get involved with our movement and come out and canvass with us!


Ysabel Jurado for LA City Council District 14


It’s finally here folks, the general election is in full swing. During the primary DSA-LA knocked on over 8000 doors in Eagle Rock. Thanks to our members, Ysabel Jurado was able to clinch a first place win in the primary. Now it’s time to get her over the finish line!


Jillian Burgos for LA City Council District 2


Jillian Burgos is a true grassroots socialist, serving her community as a NoHo neighborhood councilmember, housing and homelessness advocate, and essential healthcare worker. Frequently spotted on the picket lines with DSA-LA, Jillian is keenly aware of just how powerful our presence is.  As an Afro-Latina from a working-class background, Burgos was CD-2's biggest underdog, and the results of targeted canvassing blew us away in the primary. Out raised up to 12X by our opponents, she enlisted the help of volunteers in her community to knock on doors and spread hope for change in the Valley. Now, our people-powered candidate needs YOU to secure her seat at LA City Council. It's time to end the status quo politics that have plagued the valley for decades and fight for real change.



DSA-LA for Burbank City Council Launch!

Sunday, September 15 @ 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

Join DSA-LA and the Konstantine Anthony and Mike Van Gorder campaigns for a canvass launch event! We’re on our way to growing a DSA majority bloc in Burbank City Council, but we need our members to turn out to secure this major victory in the Valley.


If we win, we have the ability to enact life changing tenant protections and transit infrastructure improvements. See you on Sunday!


Calling all creatives!

We're looking for artists, illustators, designers, copywriters, photographers, and more to help volunteer and organize with local projects. Everyone can build the movement, and you can help make it beautiful! 


Let us know about your creative talents! The Communications Committee will be in touch soon.


Upcoming Events

Labor Circle Social and Platform Discussion

Sunday, September 15 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Are you interested in joining one of our DSA-LA Labor Circles (Hollywood Labor, Education Workers, Higher Education Workers, Starbucks Workers Solidarity, or Non-Profit ) or starting a new Labor Circle?


Our labor circles exist to internally organize our membership around their sector, employer, and/or union affiliation to encourage members to lead their coworkers in unionizing their workplaces or, if they are already unionized, to take leadership roles in their unions as stewards, committee members, and elected officers.


We also discuss the Labor Committee’s platform, hear amendments, and ratify a draft that will be sent to all DSA-LA members to vote on. Updating their platforms by the end of the year is a priority for all DSA-LA committees —many have not been updated in quite some time as the Los Angeles landscape and our chapter have changed in those years.


Join us at this Labor Circle Social and Platform Discussion on Sunday, September 15, at 1:00 at Arts District Brewing to learn more about Labor Circle, ratify our platform, and hang out with comrades.


Ready for Mass Transit that works for ALL? Join our monthly campaign meeting!

Thursday, September 12 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

DSA-LA’s Power Mass Transit Campaign meets regularly on the 2nd Thursday of every month. Join us to discuss our two prongs of Fully Funding the LA Mobility Plan and Public Services AKA free public restrooms at Metro stations (#stationsneedstalls). We’re always looking for comrades passionate about building a world-class public transit system that values riders and workers alike! Join us to learn about our campaigns and how to get involved!


Phone Bank for Tenant-Worker March

Monday, September 16 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

After passing temporary tenant protections during the pandemic lockdown (and having now let them expire), many city council members feel like they have done enough for tenants in Los Angeles. They’re feeling “tenant fatigue” and don’t feel pressured to do anything to actually solve our housing crisis.


We in DSA-LA, along with the Keep LA Housed and Fix LA coalitions, and many union partners will be turning up the heat on city council during the Tenant-Worker March on Saturday Sept, 28th and we need strong turnout to demonstrate tenant power.


Phone bank with us on Monday evenings in September to help us invite our fellow DSA-LA members to join us at this march to demonstrate tenant, worker, and socialist power!


​We will be using the dialer to reach as many folks as possible!


Developed For Who?: A Study of Gentrification from the Ground Up

Tuesday, September 17 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The same cycles of disinvestment, redevelopment, and displacement that characterize Los Angeles neighborhoods are transforming cities and violently dispossessing people across the country and around the world. This study series, “The Politics of Removal: Displacement from Los Angeles to Palestine,” explores theoretical concepts related to displacement, and features a range of case studies—with a focus on Los Angeles neighborhoods and Palestinian cities.


This second installment in our study series seeks to define and interrogate the concept of “gentrification.” Further, this session hopes to broaden the idea of gentrification from a purely cultural process to include some of the hidden economic and structural methods used to displace people from their homes and cities. Felt intimately from individual blocks to entire neighborhoods, gentrification’s effects are deeply personal. This session hopes to pinpoint the human role in gentrification, from urban-planning to real-estate marketing.


Your Membership Status

According to DSA-LA's member records:

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Your membership will expire on membership not found – please contact admin@dsa-la.org if you see this!.

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You can renew your membership here, or update an existing membership by emailing [email protected]. Your membership expiration date will be automatically extended if you have recurring dues payments set up. This date will be automatically extended if you have set up recurring dues. If your member address is out of is out of date, you can update with this form.