These are extraordinary times with a crisis that has laid bare our nation’s economic inequalities. This coming Tuesday was designated Giving Tuesday Now in recognition of the unprecedented challenges we are all living through. It’s an extra day-of-giving to say we all need to come together and support each other however we can.
If you care about worker empowerment, you can make a difference now by giving to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).
At EPI, we’ve been a key voice for economic policy sanity during the pandemic, shining a light, with real-time data, on the struggles facing people trying to make ends meet as tens of millions of Americans file for unemployment benefits. That is why, from the beginning, EPI experts have called for a concerted policy response on the scale of the crisis, including significantly more aid to state and local governments, expanded unemployment insurance benefits, better safety and health protection for workers, a voice on the job, and full funding for coronavirus testing and treatment.
On this Giving Tuesday Now, join with EPI to fight both for essential workers and those who have lost their jobs. Your tax-deductible donation supports EPI’s research and policy proposals to help workers navigate this crisis today while laying out the tools that will empower them to determine their own future tomorrow.
Once we get beyond the immediate emergency, we must learn from this traumatic experience and set out to make permanent, structural reforms in our social safety net, health care system, emergency preparedness, and worker protections that go well beyond the immediate crisis response.
- No one should go bankrupt as a result of getting sick, now or ever. Everyone deserves access to paid sick and family leave, and it is never a good idea to force people to report to work when they are ill.
- Workers should have the right to collectively bargain and make sure they can earn a fair wage with benefits for their labor while having the equipment and tools they need to perform their jobs safely.
- And if our vulnerable supply chains and shortage of critical supplies have taught us anything during this crisis, it is that a comprehensive U.S. manufacturing policy is needed now more than ever.
EPI researchers are informing a policy agenda to empower workers, strengthen our social safety net, and support smart public investments to prepare for the new economy that will emerge in the years ahead. Donate to EPI to support workers today and empower them tomorrow.