China's Weapons of Choice: First Wuhan Covid, now Fentanyl-Laced Drugs
by Lawrence Kadish • September 11, 2024 at 1:00 pm

We can debate the economy, decry the border mocked by illegal immigrants, and step around the criminally deranged allowed to stagger through our streets, but it is the deliberate and calculated effort to destabilize our nation through fentanyl that is the dagger thrust toward the heart of America.
In a national survey conducted by the respected polling company McLaughlin & Associates, it was revealed that a third of those voters asked acknowledged they know of someone who has been harmed by fentanyl. Consider that number: over 100 million people have seen the devastating impact of this drug. It reflects a crisis that makes the past plagues of heroin and cocaine a side show.
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Administrator Anne Milgram acknowledged as much earlier this year when she stated: