Digital organizing transforms the online spaces we use every day into strategic opportunities for radicalizing our people. Digital organizing is both pragmatic and visionary. In the wake of COVID-19 and “shelter in place” procedures, organizing formations are having to increase their digital organizing capacity and drastically adapt their programming to the digital arena. Simply put, we are having to transform and lean into emergence as a vehicle to meet the needs of our communities, and digital organizing allows for that to happen.
re:power is offering these courses as a means to train new digital organizers in how to reach the communities they care about and organize with, while safely staying in our homes, and building the relationships necessary to confront those in power using a digital strategy.
Building our movement is too important to put on hold in a time that only further highlights why our communities need action today. As a movement leader, supporter, or friend, developing your digital organizing skills will be what helps your formation innovate and adapt as we continue to organize our people for the long run.
Applications close on May 7. Spots are limited so apply today!
See you on the screen,
The re:power Training Team
P.S.: Shout out to our sponsor New/Mode for helping to make this course accessible to our movement leaders!
