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Black Grant Directors’ Roundtable: Lessons from a career in philanthropy

Five leaders offer on-the-ground testimony to the challenges of Black professionals in the sector – from the complexities of practicing DEI, to the ways race has affected perceptions of their leadership, to the realities of code-switching their way through the white-dominant workplace.


Three keynotes, 14 breakouts, chapter meetings, and a virtual expo

Starting up next week: Invitations to the complete program have been sent to PEAK Organization Members and conference registrants who generously forwent refunds. We welcome the broader community to join us for the kickoff event, attend your region's chapter meetings, and explore the Virtual Expo. 


Visit our COVID-19 hub to review the latest posts and share how your foundation is responding to the crisis and supporting grantees.

Join this week’s trending conversations:

Help a colleague out by sharing your advice: Not yet in CONNECT?

Upcoming Events

May 5 | Virtual
PEAK Annual Membership Meeting & PEAK2020 Online Kick-Off Virtual Happy Hour

May 5-28 | Virtual
Keynotes + Breakouts + Chapter Meetings + Virtual Expo


Weekly Reads

“One of the best ways to build power and support systemic change is by funding civic engagement, advocacy and community organizing among communities experiencing inequities.”  [more]
– Lisa Ranghelli, NCRP

“Many corporate funders are going beyond a ‘usual’ disaster response to demonstrate their commitment to the people, causes, and communities they support. If you’re considering similar changes but need to get support from your leadership, these six points can help you build a case to ensure you can be a great partner in this time of crisis.”  [more]
– Yvonne Thomas, Proximity, on Candid blog

“The current situation suggests, powerfully, that it is time for a new and more strategic approach to cash reserves for nonprofits. Many social-services nonprofits have been either dismantled or bailed out this spring. Had they been allowed to create cash reserves over time, the onus would have been on them, as it should be, and they would have had a fighting chance to manage their way out of the situation rather than hoping to be rescued.”  [more]
– Stephanie J. Hull, Girls Inc., and Phil Buchanan, CEP, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy

‘Zoom fatigue’ is taxing the brain. Here's why that happens: “During an in-person conversation, the brain focuses partly on the words being spoken, but it also derives additional meaning from dozens of non-verbal cues [...] For somebody who’s really dependent on those non-verbal cues, it can be a big drain not to have them...”   [more]
– Julia Sklar,

PEAK Grantmaking
1666 K St NW Ste 440
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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