We may be staying home to flatten the curve, but we do not want to miss the opportunity to celebrate and reflect on how amazing 2019 was for the Alliance network. To us, there is no such thing as an “off-year” when building young people’s political power. The Alliance for Youth Action network organizes 365 days a year, every year. For proof, look no further than our 2019 Annual Report!
2019 was one of our biggest years yet. We launched our first-ever communications department and grew our development and operations teams to support a continuously growing network of 20 youth-led organizations!
The Alliance network collectively registered 50,800 voters, collected 46,780 pledge-to-vote cards, and sent 110,000 peer-to-peer texts to mobilize young voters in 2019 elections.
In addition to investing in young voters, our network organizations secured major victories on innovative and progressive local issue campaigns. From MOVE Texas defeating a dangerous voter suppression bill to Chicago Votes passing legislation granting voting access to people detained in pre-trial jail, the local leaders in the Alliance network are creating a more just and equitable world for all of us.
Our network did all this in 2019 while supporting and empowering the next generation of young leaders. Our network graduated 287 local organizers from local civic engagement-focused leadership development programs. We held our first-ever Youth Action Summit bringing together the best youth organizers from across the country. And we held our largest-ever (and most competitive) Monthly Donor Competition raising over $100,000 in new annual dollars from over 600 grassroots donors!
All of this to say, 2019 was no “off-year” for the Alliance. It was a year packed with innovative organizing, progressive wins, and major growth all setting us up for a successful 2020. But don’t just take our word for it.

Then, share our amazing report with your network on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
To organizing in “off-years”,
Sarah Audelo
Executive Director