I just finished watching the debate and WOW! Vice President Harris showed up prepared (we knew she would) to fight back against Trump’s lies and deliver strong, concise messaging about our vision for the future that resonates with the American people. Meanwhile, Trump did his usual: lies, name-calling, rambling — are we surprised?

Pennsylvania was front and center tonight. And the only person on that stage fighting for us was Kamala Harris. We’re fired up! We have to keep building on this momentum because you know that Trump and the GOP are going to lie and buy their way out of accountability and into elected office if we let them.

Donate right now if you’re as fired up to deliver PA as we are: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mgs_debate2#John

— Mary Gay

P.S. Luke says that Trump lied at least 100 times tonight but to be honest our whole team lost count. Do you think you guessed right earlier?

Sent from my iPhone (please excuse any typos!)




Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon is a life-long advocate for children and families. In November 2018, she was sworn into Congress following a special election victory – the first woman of the new wave of representation to be sworn in. 
Now, help keep her in office by donating now.

Paid for by Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore, PA 19081
United States

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