Hi John,
A Chinese doctor was punished for warning the world about the coronavirus, then died of the disease himself. A Navy officer wrote to his superiors that his crew members were falling ill, then was fired for insubordination when the letter was leaked to the media. Dozens of animal rights activists have exposed diseased animals at farms and slaughterhouses -- including a coronavirus in pig farms -- but instead of investigating the farms the authorities have prosecuted the activists.
What ties these cases together, and what can be done? That’s what we’ll be discussing tomorrow!
Join me for a panel discussion with investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald and legal scholar Hadar Aviram to learn how the fight to defend whistleblowers will shape the future of our planet.-
- Click here to join the call tomorrow, Saturday, May 2nd at 1pm
One of the most influential voices of our time, Glenn Greenwald is known as the journalist who broke the Edward Snowden story on government surveillance. He is one of the co-founding editors of The Intercept, and is the author of four New York Times best-selling books on law and politics.
Hadar Aviram is a Professor of Law at UC Hastings and she is among the top U.S. scholars working in criminal justice and prison reform. Her work focuses on civil rights, law and politics, and social movements.
And both of these brilliant advocates for change are supporters of our work at DxE, exposing factory farms and rescuing animals.
Tomorrow, we will discuss and learn together what is required of us in these times of change and crisis.
I hope to see you there!
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Event: Animal Liberation Online Assembly
Time: Saturday, May 2 - 1pm PDT (4pm EDT)
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