Tonight Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will take the stage for their first debate.
Tonight Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will take the stage for their first debate. And while the contrast between the two will be made clear on a lot of issues, one particularly relevant topic that’s sure to come up is gun violence.
Just days after another deadly school shooting in Georgia, Vice President Harris will have the chance to highlight the major difference between the Democratic Party’s position on gun safety and Donald Trump’s.
She’ll make it clear that while MAGA Republicans are committed to doing absolutely nothing, Democrats will stand up for our right to live free from the fear of gun violence. For our children’s right to go to school and be safe in their classrooms. For all of us to be safe in the workplace and public spaces.
And this fight doesn’t end with tonight’s debate — it’s just getting started. With less than two months to go before Election Day, we still have a ton of work to do to make sure Kamala, Tim Walz, and Democrats who support common-sense gun reform win up and down the ballot.
That’s where you come in. The gun lobby and right-wing conservatives are spending big to try to buy their way back into power, and we need grassroots activists like you to help stop them.
Will you split a donation of $5 today between three outstanding groups working to elect gun-sense candidates: March For Our Lives, Giffords PAC, and Everytown for Gun Safety?
These groups are doing important work to elect Democrats who support common-sense gun reform from the statehouse to the White House, and your support will go a long way toward helping them succeed this November.
— LeftNet