

Today, for World Suicide Prevention Day, I need to share something deeply troubling with you about how my opponent is putting young people’s lives in the balance.


Here’s the background.


The first anti-trans sports bill in the nation was passed right here in Idaho. It was a senseless bill attacking the identity of vulnerable kids who are just trying to play sports and fit in.


They passed this bill into law FOUR YEARS AGO – then dozens of states followed suit.


But now, our senator Mike Crapo is taking this national. Crapo has come out with full throated support of the Protection for Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023 in the Senate – a bill modeled after the EXACT same language as the Idaho bill from 2020.


And my opponent, Mike Simpson, here in ID-02, is right there on the hate-wagon with him. He already signed on to the mirror bill in the House that passed earlier this year under the Republican majority.


What both of these men are doing is more than wrong – it's deadly. As a gay man, as a father, as an Idahoan, I am furious.


86% of transgender youth report having suicidal thoughts. 56% have attempted to take their own lives.


Vulnerable kids are already struggling. Now, they're being targeted with the full force of the federal government thanks to Republicans Mike Crapo and Mike Simpson.


Nobody in Idaho asked for this in 2020, and nobody in Idaho is asking for it now! The language of the original bill was drafted by a right-wing think-tank and dropped into Idaho because they knew our state lawmakers would pass it!


I worry constantly about LGBTQ+ youth who face discrimination and hatred because I know firsthand what they’re going through. It’s hard enough being a young queer kid in a small town or a conservative community without knowing that your elected representatives have painted a target on your back.


This is exactly why I'm running for Congress, and I need your support. I’m a proud Idaho Democrat running for Congress because these kids deserve our full support.


This entire trend of targeting trans youth is out of control. So far in 2024 there have been 652 pieces of anti-trans legislation introduced. Two years ago that number was 174.

A screenshot of the trend of anti-trans bills showing 143 for 2021, 174 for 2022, 604 for 2023, and 652 so far in 2024.

Recently, Utah's Republican governor, Spencer Cox, vetoed similar legislation, because even he saw the violent cruelty baked into the proposed law.


Here’s what he had to say:


“They are great kids who face enormous struggles. Here are the numbers that have most impacted my decision: 75,000, 4, 1, 86 and 56.


  • 75,000 high school kids participating in high school sports in Utah.

  • 4 transgender kids playing high school sports in Utah.

  • 1 transgender student playing girls sports.

  • 86% of trans youth reporting suicidality.

  • 56% of trans youth having attempted suicide.”


And that right there is the key. Trans youth are some of the MOST at risk of succumbing to suicide, and study after study proves that even a modest system of support – like having teammates who accept you as you are, and helping your team win – makes a massive difference in those outcomes.


Cox went on to say this, which particularly sticks with me:

An image showing a portion of Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox’s statement vetoing anti-trans legislating. He says, “Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports...Four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through each day. Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few. I don’t understand what they are going through or why they feel the way they do. But I want them to live.”

Like Governor Cox, I want these kids to live. And I will not stand by while my Senator and my Congressman cynically attack vulnerable children to score cheap political points.


We couldn't stop Senator Crapo from being re-elected last cycle, but we CAN stop Mike Simpson if we band together now.


With a Democratic majority, this bill will never see the light of day in the next Congress. But we need your help to make that happen, and we need it NOW - there are just 56 days until election day. Will you chip in $25, $50, $75, or $100 today to help us defeat Simpson and his agenda and protect vulnerable trans youth? Absolutely every dollar counts.


Every child deserves to feel safe, accepted, and supported. Together, we can build a more compassionate Idaho and a more just America.




David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.

Paid for by David Roth for Idaho

©2024 David Roth for Idaho, all rights reserved.


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David Roth for Idaho

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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