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August Wrap-up


In The News

Gottheimer Continues Problem Solving

Introduces Rail Passenger Bill of Rights, Rallies for Commonsense Gun Safety, and Claws Back Investment for Firefighters


Gottheimer Announces New "All Aboard Act" Including "Rail Passenger Bill of Rights"

Above: Gottheimer announces new federal action to help reduce NJ TRANSIT delays for commuters, caused by Amtrak.

Congressman Josh Gottheimer announced new federal action to address the pervasive delays and cancellations impacting NJ TRANSIT service, driven by Amtrak-owned and operated rails and infrastructure. Gottheimer also met with NJ TRANSIT riders to hear more about how summer delays have impacted their commutes.

  • First, Gottheimer will be introducing the All Aboard Act, which includes a Rail Passenger Bill of Rights that guarantees refunds to Amtrak customers and NJ TRANSIT customers impacted by Amtrak infrastructure & who experience serious delays and cancellations.
    • The legislation will also transform Amtrak’s “Run to Fail” infrastructure strategy, ensuring Amtrak has the funding it needs to replace infrastructure on time.
  • Second, Gottheimer called on Amtrak to deploy the infrastructure investment that he clawed back for the transit agency as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. 
  • Third, Gottheimer met with Amtrak and Deputy Secretary of Transportation Polly Trottenberg.

Train Delays Across Jersey:

  • 657 NJ TRANSIT trains were canceled in June with 415 of the cancellations, well more than half, credited to Amtrak.
    • If it weren’t for Amtrak issues, NJ TRANSIT reports that 92.3 percent of its trains in June would have run on time
    • Amtrak receives $100 million each year from NJ Transit to help maintain its tracks and infrastructure — on top of $6 billion they received for “State of Good Repair” maintenance investments on the Northeast Corridor Rail Line through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. 
  • The vast majority of issues occur on our nation’s most important rail line, the Northeast Corridor Rail Line, which is home to a century-old tunnel and decades-old, faulty catenary wires.
  • Last month, Jersey commuters were trapped on an NJTransit train for three hours due to an Amtrak infrastructure failure. 

Gottheimer Leads Advocates, Law Enforcement, Lawmakers to Rally for Commonsense Gun Safety Measures Following District Court's Misguided Ruling on Jersey's AR-15 Ban

Above: Gottheimer rallies for commonsense gun safety measures following the U.S. District Court’s decision to strike down New Jersey’s AR-15 ban.


Congressman Gottheimer, joined lawmakers, law enforcement, and local advocates to rally for commonsense gun safety measures, following a U.S. District Court decision to strike down New Jersey’s ban on AR-15 rifles. Gottheimer promised to fight the Court’s decision and sent a letter to Speaker Johnson, urging him to hold a vote on commonsense, bipartisan gun safety legislation that would protect our communities and save lives.


According to Everytown, New Jersey averages 435 firearm deaths and 1,265 firearm injuries a year. Guns are tied for the second-leading cause of death among children and teens in New Jersey. In 2023, more than 40,000 people across our country died because of gun violence. So far this year, there have been more than 320 mass shootings, an average of more than one per day. The District Court’s decision to strike down the AR-15 ban increases the risk of deadly mass shootings, as the AR-15 rifle was involved in more than half of the United States’s deadliest mass shootings. 


Gottheimer Urged Speaker Johnson to Bring the Following Commonsense Gun Safety Measures to the House Floor for a Vote:

  • The Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2023, which would ensure that background checks are conducted on nearly every gun purchase — closing loopholes that allow criminals and those with mental illnesses to illegally purchase guns.
  • The Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2023, which would close the “Charleston Loophole,” which allows firearms sales to proceed after three days even if a background check has not been completed. 
  • The Assault Weapons Ban of 2023, which would ban the sale of certain semi-automatic weapons, including the AR-15 rifle, and high-capacity gun magazines capable of holding more than 15 rounds of ammunition. This law would reinstitute the life-saving assault weapons ban that originally passed in 1994.

Gottheimer, a member of the House’s Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and Co-Chair of the Problem Solvers Caucus, worked across the aisle in 2018 to strengthen the federal background check system and in 2022 to craft and pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. That law, the greatest expansion of gun safety in three decades, strengthened background checks for juveniles and those with mental health conditions, gave states the resources they need to enforce red flag laws, invested in children and family mental health services, cracked down on gun trafficking, and closed the boyfriend loophole, protecting survivors of domestic violence.


Gottheimer Announces $161,000 Federal Investment Clawed Back to Support Firefighters and Rescue North Jersey Residents from Elevators and Industrial Machines

Above: Gottheimer announcing a new $161,702 federal investment for the Englewood Fire Department.


Congressman Gottheimer announced a new, $161,702 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) investment clawed back from Washington to provide state-of-the-art elevator, industrial machine, and rope rescue training for Englewood firefighters. Gottheimer also highlighted his leadership on the bipartisan Fire Grants Safety Act with Representatives Bill Pascrell (NJ-9) and Tom Kean (NJ-7). Their legislation, which was signed into law just last month, reauthorizes the AFG and SAFER programs for another five years.


By clawing back more federal dollars to North Jersey communities, our mayors, councils, and first responders, we have lifted significant costs off of our town budgets and helped provide critical tax relief to our residents on their property tax line.


Federal Investments for Englewood Firefighters Highlighted By Congressman Gottheimer:

  • A new, $161,702 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) investment clawed back from Washington to provide state-of-the-art elevator, industrial machine, and rope rescue training, helping Englewood firefighters respond to industrial accidents.
  • $1,794,416 in Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) to hire six full-time firefighters.
  • $245,454 in Assistance to Firefighter Grants for swift water training, which helps Englewood firefighters respond to flooding emergencies.
  • $87,000 in American Rescue Plan Firefighter Grant Program to restore and replace  personal protective equipment or PPE.
  • $85,627 in Assistance to Firefighter Grants for an on-site training trailer.

Federal Public Safety and Emergency Response Investments for North Jersey:

  • Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG), which equip and train firefighters to better respond to emergencies. Congressman Gottheimer has clawed back more than $8 million through AFG for North Jersey since entering office. 
  • Staffing For Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER), which ensures that fire departments can hire and retain a 24-hour firefighting force. Congressman Gottheimer has clawed back more than $4 million through SAFER for North Jersey since 2018. 
  • American Rescue Plan Firefighter Grants (ARPFFG), which helps local fire departments cover the cost of protective clothing and critical equipment. Congressman Gottheimer clawed back more than $3.4 million through ARPFFG for North Jersey since the COVID-19 pandemic.

At New Jersey State Fair, Gottheimer Celebrates Sussex County Senior of the Year Kenneth Augustin for Life of Service

Congressman Josh Gottheimer celebrated Senior Day at the New Jersey State Fair and presented a flag flown over the United States Capitol to Sussex County’s “Senior of the Year,” Kenneth Augustin of Lafayette, honoring his service as a veteran and committed community volunteer.


Across the fairgrounds, Gottheimer also greeted families, thanked veterans and active duty service members, toured the 4-H livestock exhibits and met with youth leaders, visited with local veteran organizations, and stopped by the local Rotary food concessions. He also participated in the annual pull-up contest.


Gottheimer highlighted “Sussex County Senior of the Year” Kenneth Augustin’s dedicated and distinguished service to the United States and Sussex County. Kenneth, a 40-year Sussex County resident, served in the Vietnam War and has stayed involved with the veteran community via Newton’s Legion Post 86. He spent 40 years working as an engineer at Picatinny, helping ensure that America’s soldiers are effective on the battlefield. A committed volunteer, Kenneth visits patients, including veterans, at the Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice with his service dog, Remi, served as Vice President of the Lafayette Preservation, and led the restoration of the historic Mabee House. Flags that he donated from his service now adorn both of Lafayette’s town welcome signs.

Above: Gottheimer congratulates "Sussex County Senior of the Year" Kenneth Augustin and visits the New Jersey State Fair. 


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