Friday, 01 May 2020

Attacks on media must not become
the new normal

Attacks on press freedom in Europe are at serious risk of becoming a new normal, 14 international press freedom groups and journalists’ organisations including Index on Censorship warned this week with the launch of the 2020 annual report of the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and the Safety of Journalists. The fresh assault on media freedom amid the Covid-19 pandemic has worsened an already gloomy outlook.

The report analyses alerts submitted to the platform in 2019 and shows a growing pattern of intimidation to silence journalists in Europe. The past weeks have accelerated this trend, with the pandemic producing a new wave of serious threats and attacks on press freedom in several Council of Europe member states. 

How FOI laws are being changed by Covid-19

Ever since the start of the Covid-19 crisis we have been compiling an interactive map  showing attacks on media freedom, in partnership with the Justice for Journalists Foundation. The map includes physical and verbal attacks on journalists as well as reports of arrests and detentions. We are also identifying trends among the reports.

This week, we note how freedom of information laws and processes are being changed around the world in this time of crisis

Meet the winners of the
20th Freedom of Expression Awards

The winners of the 2020 Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards were announced in a #StayHome digital ceremony hosted by BBC presenter Timandra Harkness on 16 April. Watch the winners' acceptance speeches below and a video explaining why the awards, celebrating their 20th outing, are as important as ever. 

The 20th Awards

Arts -

Yulia Tsvetkova

Campaigning - Sayed
Ahmed Alwadaei

Campaigning -

Veysel Ok

Digital activism - 7amleh

Journalism - OKO Press

Donate to Index on Censorship
Sage Publishing, which publishes Index on Censorship, has created a free microsite on medical science research on Covid-19 and managing pandemics, and is prioritising publishing open access research on the current pandemic.
Index on Censorship defends people's freedom to express themselves without fear of harm or persecution. We publish censored writers and artists, monitor and campaign against censorship, and encourage debate.  

We rely on donations from readers and supporters. By donating to Index you help us to protect freedom of expression and to support those who are denied that right.
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