Tonight, we can see Harris destroy Trump

Hey everyone,

It’s been more than two months since the first Presidential debate, and a lot of things have changed — Kamala Harris is now our nominee and she’s running with one of our best, Governor Tim Walz. One thing that hasn’t changed? Donald Trump is going to spew hate and bad policies that endanger all of us on stage.

We all remember his bizarre rants at the last debate. Now he’s struggling to come up with a real attack against Vice President Harris because he knows his weird comments about her identity, background, and her appearance won’t cut it.

But let's face it, team – Kamala is going to destroy him on that stage.

We’re just a few hours out from the debate, and I know it’s going to be good. It’s time for the American people to see the stark difference between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump — and the contrast couldn't be greater.

But the debate won’t mean much if we can’t get the word out afterward — will you split a donation between Kamala Harris and me so we can show Brooklyn and the rest of the country how dangerous and unhinged Donald Trump and his MAGA movement are?


Thank you,

— Yvette D. Clarke

Yvette Clarke is the ONLY Black woman representing New York in Washington. She has a known track record of bringing together moderates and progressives to pass progressive legislation to help communities of color, low-income families, immigrants, and more. If you'd like only the most important updates, you can opt for fewer emails here, but if you don't want to keep Yvette proudly representing Brooklyn, you can unsubscribe.

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