A race to slaughter hundreds of beautiful brown bears for sport just got underway in Sweden. This year’s hunt will wipe out 20% of remaining bears, taking the species dangerously close to the brink, but the Swedish government greenlit it anyway.
Conservationists are raising the alarm, and now together we have the chance to help stop this senseless slaughter.
If enough of us chip in, we can quickly shine a light on these cruel killings: taking out ads targeting decision-makers in government, exposing the hunt all over the media, and mobilising thousands to demand a new law to end this horrible hunt.
The hunt is underway…every day we wait means another bear killing – can you urgently chip in now to stop the slaughter?
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Despite being a “strictly protected species” in Europe, each year, Swedish officials grant a certain number of trophy hunting licences for bears to be ‘culled’ by hunters.
Experts argue this goes against a clear EU directive that prohibits the deliberate hunting or killing of strictly protected species. But Sweden does it anyway after passing a new law in 2022 that gives local hunting associations vast power to oversee the management of large predators, including bears!
This year they set the quota for these trophy kills at almost 500 – leaving just 2,000 left in the wild! That’s a terrifying 40% drop since 2008.
Conservationists are shouting from the rooftops that the entire population of brown bears could collapse – an eerily familiar scenario from the 1920s, when brown bears nearly went extinct.
If we’re going to save these adorable brown bears from extinction we have to act now. Swedish officials aren’t used to having the attention of the world – so we’re going to take out powerful ads and make this cruel hunt massive in the media, turning up the heat on decision makers to stand up for wildlife and stop the senseless slaughter.
Our movement is perfectly poised to stand up for these special creatures, but first we have to raise the funds to launch a campaign big enough to capture the world's attention – are you in?
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