![]() Patriot, The World Health Organization (WHO) failed to pass their global pandemic treaty when they met last spring. But the WHO globalists promised they weren’t giving up, and sooner or later, the pandemic treaty will be knocking at our door again. The WHO wants the power to force people around the world to take vaccines against their will, lock down entire
populations, force people to wear masks over their faces, and silence any dissent . . . with much of the financial tab being picked up by the United
States. Fortunately, the WHO couldn't even get their own members to agree on the terms of the treaty, and everything fell apart. But they vowed to keep working at it. Do you remember the Paris Climate Treaty in 2015? It was never ratified by the Senate – but that didn’t stop the Obama-Biden-Harris administrations from implementing major parts of it by Executive Order and calling it an accord rather than a treaty in order to circumvent the Senate. Right now, the U.S. House of Representatives is taking up legislation
requiring a WHO Pandemic Treaty be subject to ratification in the U.S. Senate as it should be per the Constitution.
This is legislation you and I have called for! H.R. 1425, the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” declares any instrument of the World Health Assembly is a treaty that requires ratification by the U.S. Senate for it to take effect on American citizens. The U.S. Constitution is already absolutely clear a treaty must be ratified by the U.S. Senate . . . but the government statists are trying to bend the definition of what constitutes a “treaty.” Remember they renamed the Paris treaty a “climate accord.” Supporters of the bill argue this is a necessary “belt and suspenders” approach, because after the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Paris Climate Treaty, the Obama-Biden-Harris administrations just implemented many parts of it by executive order. Unfortunately, H.R. 1425’s language is not strong enough to ensure the future treaty would be dead in the water
unless it is ratified by the Senate. Fortunately, there is an amendment to H.R. 1425 that would fix this. The amendment by Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) would prohibit any part of any future “agreement” by the World Health Organization from taking effect without being ratified as a treaty by the U.S. Senate, and from being used to establish any criminal or civil cause of action. Call your representative right now at (202) 224-3121. Tell him or her to support the Foxx Amendment to prevent any backdoor implementation of the WHO Pandemic Treaty! Here is a simple script you can use: Hello, this is [your name] from [your city]. I’m calling to urge the representative to vote YES on the Foxx Amendment to H.R. 1425, which would strengthen the prohibition on implementing the international pandemic treaty without Senate ratification. As written, the bill is not strong enough in its language. The amendment makes it better. Please vote YES on the Foxx amendment to H.R. 1425. Remember, Patriot, the Biden-Harris administration already tried to sign away our constitutional rights once before, without the approval of the Senate: ![]() And remember the powers they want to give the WHO: *** Give the WHO the authority to require medical examinations, proof of
prophylaxis, proof of vaccine, and to implement contact tracing, quarantine and TREATMENT; *** Allow the disclosure of personal health data; and *** Institute a system of global health certificates in digital or paper format, including test certificates, vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms, and a traveler’s health declaration. And while this unlawful, treasonous scheme should seem destined to fail under the Constitution, it would likely end up in the court system, which has a rich history of liberty-shredding decisions. . . That's why you and I cannot afford to sit back and do nothing! The Biden-Harris regime will take the position this is an “international executive agreement” the president can conclude of his own accord without approval by Congress and is binding on the United States of America, including all state and local democratically elected officials, governors, attorney generals, and health officials. With the Foxx Amendment, the House might take a positive step towards shutting down this entire scheme. But without it, we’re worried this legislation might actually embolden this administration, or possibly the next, to claim they don’t need Senate approval to implement major planks of the WHO Pandemic Treaty. That’s why it’s so important you call your representative at (202) 224-3121 demand he or she approve
the Foxx Amendment to H.R. 1425! And then, if possible, please chip in a contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us reach more patriots and keep flooding our representatives’ inboxes with messages of freedom and liberty. Congress may be voting on this bill and amendments as early as today, so time is extremely short. Make your call, and then then chip in a contribution if you can. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. The WHO is coming back with their Pandemic Treaty. H.R. 1425 has been introduced in the house, and it could either create a backdoor implementation of the upcoming WHO Pandemic Treaty . . . or it could lock it up and throw away the key. Take one moment to make certain your lawmaker votes in support of the Foxx Amendment to H.R. 1425. Tell them to shut down this loophole for the WHO. Call your representative at (202) 224-3121. And then, if you can, please make a donation today. ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of
individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy,
and grassroots mobilization. |