It’s primary day in New Hampshire! There’s an important race for the open Governor’s seat, and Maura has endorsed Mayor Joyce Craig.

As Mayor of Manchester, Joyce created thousands of good-paying jobs, worked with law enforcement to reduce violent crime by nearly 40%, and delivered thousands of housing units to the city. 

She’s pledged to stand up for essential rights like marriage equality and reproductive freedom, standing in stark contrast to her Republican opponents who have sworn to take New Hampshire backwards. 

Since this race is so important, Maura has been texting all of her friends in New Hampshire to let them know about the stakes of the race and remind them about the election. Here’s one of the messages she sent:

If you want to help make sure that Massachusetts has a partner to the north who will stand up for essential rights in New England, please help remind your friends and family in New Hampshire about the race today! You can forward this email (or you can always take a page out of Maura’s book and send along a text).

For New Hampshire residents, we’ve included a link below to find your polling place

Thank you,


-Team Healey