What a month it has been!

The time in lockdown has certainly been a journey for my family, but ultimately we have come out stronger for it. I do hope that you and your family are still in good health and staying safe and counting down the days to our 'new normal'.

For me, a new normal includes returning to Parliament sitting this week, albeit driving not flying to Wellington and a very limited amount of time in the House.

We must focus on recovery from this health crisis while mitigating its effects and the harm it has caused in so many other ways. In addition to the economic costs, the social and other health costs have been immense and we will be dealing with those for some time to come still.

It's been proven that unemployment or a loss of income has impacts on people’s health and psychosocial wellbeing.

In addition to some people losing their jobs and businesses losing their livelihoods, lockdown for many families whether together or separated meant additional stress, anxiety and associated issues like family violence and addiction problems. 

However, COVID-19 has also shown that we as a nation have no hesitation to report rule-breakers.

I can only hope that we can continue that trend and in particular call out those in our communities who cause harm in our families as ultimately we are all in this together.

My latest newsletter topics include:

  • Where to from here and what alert level 3 means
  • Shop local, eat local, stay local - where to find opportunities to support local and also showcase your business
  • Education - online support tools and a new initiative for children with disabilities and learning support - Awhi at home
  • The Epidemic Response Committee and how you can watch live interviews and recordings of past meetings
  • MSD's Rapid Return to Work Service employment initiative and Keep New Zealand Working recruitment tool.

Finally, the road to recovery over the next few weeks, months is laden with hurdles and obstacles, make no mistake. 

We must start by creating business growth and employment opportunities, to stimulate economic growth and thereby ensuring resilient families and communities.

While I've been keeping in touch weekly during April, my newsletters will return to fortnightly and I'll be back in touch when we move to alert level 2.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


Hon Louise Upston

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