Today I’m announcing the release of the OFFICIAL TRUMP DEBATE HAT!
To be quite honest, I was waiting to show you this brand new MAGA Hat for the day the regime SENTENCED ME.
I wanted it to be a symbol of the dark day in history the MAGA Movement would be going through…that WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!
BUT, my sentencing has been delayed, so I told my team that I couldn’t wait any longer to send you this special beauty.
I’m letting my biggest supporters order first before I release them to the general public, so you have to ORDER ASAP BEFORE MY DEBATE WITH COMRADE KAMALA! >
Sincerely, |
Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States
Are you registered to vote? Do you need to request a ballot? Use this link to help President Trump Swamp the Vote. REGISTER TO VOTE LINK. > |
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