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Team, tomorrow night is a huge night for America.

Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump are set to debate for the first (and possibly the only) time before millions of voters begin casting their ballots later this month. With polling neck-and-neck in this race, tomorrow’s debate has the potential to swing the election.

We already know what to expect from Trump — endless lies, personal attacks, and name-calling. But he’ll be no match for VP Harris, because unlike Trump, she has the experience, the judgment, and the fearlessness to lead our country into the future and deliver results for working families. She’s the real deal, and we can’t wait for the American people to see it firsthand.

We’re looking forward to cheering on Vice President Harris during tomorrow’s debate, but before it gets underway, we want to know: What issues do you hope will be addressed tomorrow night? Take Mikie’s 2024 Debate Survey and share your thoughts with us >>


Thanks for taking a few moments to share your thoughts with us.

— Mikie Sherrill HQ