Friend, We know what it looks like when Trump gets control over who sits on our federal courts. Judges appointed by Trump have consistently ruled against our basic rights and freedoms and consequently advance a dangerous and unpopular MAGA agenda. They have jeopardized health care access, rolled back environmental protections, undermined voting rights, decimated reproductive freedom, and threatened the very fabric of our democracy. This November, we have the power to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities by voting for leaders who will appoint fair-minded judges (and Supreme Court justices) committed to upholding justice and equality for all of us. Join me in pledging to “Vote the Courts” this fall!>> Trump judges have been horrific for our communities, but we can support a candidate that will appoint strong judges who support our values and rule fairly. Political insiders predict the next president could appoint two or more Supreme Court justices and hundreds of lower court judges. If we support Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, we can champion fair-minded jurists for our courts – especially for our nation’s highest court! In the years ahead, the courts will make decisions that will have real impacts on our lives, deciding things like if LGBTQ people can have equal access to society, whether women can control their own bodies, and whether even more common-sense gun safety laws will be struck down. I want the best people who will fairly and impartially uphold the law to be the ones making those decisions. Add your name to the pledge to “Vote the Courts!”>> We’ve already seen the incredible impact that progressive Biden judges have made on the judiciary—let's keep up the momentum by electing Kamala Harris this fall. In community, Charlie Everett, People For the American Way