
Mitch McConnell and his allies in Congress just can’t stop bailing out billionaires and big corporations - and that’s no accident.

They’re rewarding their wealthy donors, and lobbyists are slicing up the pie for big corporations, all at the expense of regular everyday Americans struggling in this crisis. According to the New York Times today, industry groups spent big to take advantage of this crisis, including over $1 million spent so far this year on lobbying, another million in political contributions, and a $15,000 corporate PAC check to the Republicans’ campaign arm as tax breaks were being negotiated in coronavirus response legislation.

What did they get? For starters, from a $170 billion tax break for hedge fund executives and wealthy real estate interests, to a $15 billion tax benefit for big restaurants and hotels, and a small business bail out that put the biggest corporations first - they got exactly what they wanted and McConnell and his buddies knew exactly who they went to bat for.

It’s simply an outrage. Help us call them out by naming and publicly shaming the Republicans in the Senate responsible for these giveaways at the expense of the American people. Chip in to help us move forward with hard-hitting virtual events that call them to account and demand a bail out for regular struggling Americans, NOT big corporations.

McConnell and his Republicans in the Senate have nothing but complete disregard, if not contempt, for everyday Americans. 

While regular people suffer as another rent deadline nears, unemployment reaches historic highs, and people worry about the wellbeing of friends and loved ones, Republicans in Congress simply continue to do the bidding of their massive corporate donors.

Campaign finance expert Brendan Fischer summed it up like this:

“The money in politics that shaped the CARES Act is yet another damning illustration of how Washington works: for those with the deepest pockets.”


Chip in if you can to support hard-hitting online messaging, virtual events, and other efforts to name and shame these Republican Senators so they pay a price on election day.

Thank you for all you do,


The HAZMAT America Team


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