NYS Master Plan on Aging (MPA)
Session IV - New Technology Designed
With Older Adults In Mind
Thursday, September 12th, 10am - 11:30am
Are you frustrated by technology designed without you in mind? You are not alone. Despite the challenges, technology holds great promise, and there are many new devices that can help support you as you age in the community. Learn about technology classes geared toward the way older people learn, and the state-of-the-art devices that are actually designed for you.
Tom Kamber, PhD
Executive Director, Older Adult Technology Services (OATS)
Alex Guitelman
Owner, ResponseLink of Manhattan
Mark Surabian
Assistive Technology Consultant, The Marlene Myerson JCC Manhattan
You will have the option of joining the event online through Zoom.
You will also have the option to view the event online through Facebook. Please note that you do not need a Facebook account or profile to view the event through Facebook.
Finally, you will have the option of calling in to access the audio-only portion of the event.
The event will be recorded, and will be available to view afterwards at krueger.nysenate.gov, along with any slides and links that were shared.
**If you register for an event, a confirmation email with the Zoom link and the call-in information will be sent at least a week in advance of the event.**
The event will feature a question and answer session with the presenters. If you have questions about the types of technology support available for older adults and those that are user friendly, you should attend the event on September 12th. Attendees will be able to submit questions through Zoom and Facebook during the event but are *strongly* encouraged to submit them in advance.
Please let us know if you plan to attend the September 12th Roundtable and RSVP to https://tinyurl.com/9-12-24-Older-Adult-Roundtable.