Dear Friend,


Today, we’re kicking off our 2024 Sustainer Drive! Every day, DC JWJ is working to grow a strong movement. For one week only we invite our community to join us as monthly donors.

DC JWJ is a small organization, but we take on big fights! 2024 has already been a big year. Together with you, we have:


  • Defeated attacks against Initiative 82 by the restaurant lobby and winning 10-3 to protect the tipped minimum wage increases in the DC Council

  • Continued the fight against wage theft and a $3.2 million settlement for Power Design, Inc. - the case we brought the DC OAG in 2018

  • Joined in solidarity with hotel workers, teachers, transit workers, and baristas all fighting for a fair contract

  • Stood up for TOPA

  • Supported tenants in starting tenant associations to fight for their housing rights

  • Helped dozens workers apply for Deferred Action as a result of wage theft cases against their employer

  • Managed resources for Fair Price Fair Wage, Excluded Workers Coalition, and Green New Deal for DC


We can’t do this without our supporters! Every petition you sign, picket you walk, and voice you raise makes a difference. And every dollar you give to support DC JWJ sustains the power of workers and builds the communities we want in Washington, DC. 


That's why we also have some great thank you gifts for all our supporters to join in the Summer Sustainer Drive!

Will you help us reach our goal of 100+ new and upgrading sustainers by joining the Sustainer Drive right now?


In solidarity, 


Elizabeth Falcon
Executive Director
DC Jobs with Justice