In the midst of COVID-19, each one of us is working through changes and transitions which can be overwhelming for any adult, especially for parents. Unfortunately, since the shelter-in-place order has been put into effect, the severity of child abuse cases has increased.

We know this is a stressful time in our world and it is crucial for caregivers to practice
self-care when they are feeling overwhelmed. Taking time for yourself to be present in the current moment can be an important protective factor for children in your care.
When we are anxious, we are worried about the future. When we are depressed, we are thinking about the past. Anxiety and depression have a tendency to separate our minds from reality. Mindfulness helps to bring the mind back to the here and now and remind us that we are okay.
Mindfulness is about focusing on the current moment. Practicing mindfulness can help bring the mind back to the now and help to reduce our stress level. As parents isolated at home with our children, mindfulness can also help us recognize when our stress levels are rising to a dangerous level that impacts the safety and well-being of our children.
Grab a paper and a pen. Each day write any of the below prompts or create your own. Place your writing in a colorful jar to reflect upon at a later time.

* Five things that bring me joy
* Five things I am grateful for today
* Five compliments to myself
* Five ways to treat myself during shelter-in-place
* Five positive things I have done today
For additional resources to help during this time visit