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Team Lily Update - September 9, 2024

Tomorrow is the big day - New Hampshire's primary election! Lily has been actively campaigning for 15 months and putting in the work to get to know voters and listen to our concerns, and now it's our turn to get out and vote to make her the Republican nominee. Let's join in Lily's fight for the American Dream and vote to send her to Congress in November!

Be sure to bring your friends, neighbors, and family to the polls to cast their vote and make Lily the Republican nominee for Congress! Find
 your polling location here.

Lily will be on The Kuhner Report radio show on WRKO at 7:30 AM this morning. Tune in live here!
Listen to Lily's Story Here

Lily was endorsed by Health Freedom New Hampshire, which has thousands of members! 

The Welch's Gun Shop raffle winner was drawn on Saturday - congratulations to Marc S. from Salem, NH for pulling the winning entry! A huge thank you to Welch's gun shop for making the raffle possible and all supporters who took a chance and entered the raffle.

Recent Media Coverage

  • Lily participated in a debate at New England College with her primary opponents - watch the full debate here
  • Lily participated in the WMUR debate with her primary opponents - watch the debate on WMUR
  • Lily had an op-ed published in the New Hampshire Union Leader. Read it here
This Past Week on the Trail
Lily participated in the WMUR GOP Debate!

New England College Debate
Lily joined her primary opponents for a debate at New England College!

Hillsborough County Ag Fair
Lily attended the Hillsborough County Ag Fair in New Boston!

Thank you,

Republican Candidate for New Hampshire Congressional District 2

Donate Now!
For campaign signs or palm cards, please contact campaign manager Matt Desmarais

[email protected]

Paid for by Lily4Congress Committee
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