Dear John, I am a proud Youth Ambassador of Plastic Pollution Coalition, who is inspired by the global youth movement to STOP plastic pollution and climate change. While this pandemic has changed so much, youth like me remain committed to solving our global problems. We are loudly calling for systemic change. We must all open our eyes wide. It is hard to comprehend, but even as people
are suffering with and dying from COVID-19, the plastic industry is exploiting the crisis and playing up fear to discredit reusables and block laws prohibiting single-use plastic. Studies have shown non-medical single-use plastics may be a vehicle of virus transmission. Plastic Pollution Coalition needs your valuable support to continue to stand up against the plastic polluters. I am encouraged by the possibilities. Communities have lifted each other up, carbon emissions have fallen, and there was a beautiful fox in my front yard yesterday. This is our opportunity to explore, support, and advocate for new systems that care for us and the health of the planet. Plus, donate today in honor of #GivingTuesdayNow and your gift will be matched up to $50,000! With your donation, we can continue to stand up to the plastic polluters. With gratitude, 
Charlotte Weir & the Plastic Pollution Coalition Team Plastic Pollution Coalition Youth
Ambassador |