We wanted to make sure you saw this: Mitch McConnell actually wants the federal government to withhold aid to states and local governments. And if they can't pay for first responders or hospitals? He thinks they should declare bankruptcy.

What Mitch McConnell is suggesting is very dangerous. It could end up leaving states unable to pay for the first responders and health care workers who are keeping us safe.

Doug's working hard to make sure the next stimulus includes aid to state and local governments, but you can do your part too.

Add your name and join Doug today. Tell Mitch McConnell: Don't let states go bankrupt.

- Team Doug



Friends –

I know it’s tough to follow all the news right now. And if you are like me, you sometimes just want to take a break from it all. So I wanted to make sure you saw something from Mitch McConnell that could be disastrous for communities across the country.

In the midst of a healthcare emergency, Mitch McConnell actually wants the federal government to withhold aid to states and local governments. He says that if they can't afford to pay for things like first responders and hospitals, he thinks they should declare bankruptcy.

He even tried to play his usual partisan card, calling federal aid “blue state bailouts.” But that just couldn’t be farther from the truth. Take my state of Alabama, for example.

I’m proud to represent Alabama in the Senate. I don’t know of anyone who considers us to be a blue state, but I can tell you we have plenty of cities, counties, and hospitals in financial trouble right now because of the COVID-19 emergency. Making sure our hospitals, first responders, and law enforcement have the funding they need to stay open and keep folks safe is not a red state or a blue state issue. It’s an American issue that is quite simply about right and wrong.

Here's what is really going on: McConnell wants to send money to Wall Street and big business instead of to the first responders and hospital workers who are working so hard to keep us safe and healthy.

Allowing states, cities, or local governments to go bankrupt instead of funding the absolutely essential first responders and health care workers fighting the Coronavirus is irresponsible and quite frankly, dangerous.

You know, I try very hard to work across the aisle and build consensus. In a time of crisis like this, it’s never been so important. Unfortunately, this is not the first time in this crisis that Senator McConnell has tried to play partisan games, but acting so rashly and irresponsibly is a new low. I feel it is my duty as a representative of Alabama to stand up against what I believe to be one of the worst possible ideas in this crisis.

Mitch McConnell withholding federal aid to states and local governments and forcing them into bankruptcy will cost them money they simply cannot afford. It’s going to close hospitals and put first responders out of work when we need them most - in the middle of a global pandemic. We simply cannot sit idly by and let it happen.

Here is how you can help stop this. I am calling on every one of us to tell Mitch McConnell that we will not stand for this. We won’t let him pit people in red states or blue states against each other, and we certainly won’t let the people who are putting their lives on the line hang out to dry.

If you’re with me, please click here to add your name to this petition. We are asking everyone, no matter where you live, to make it clear to Mitch McConnell: Don’t force states or cities or counties into bankruptcy. Get the aid to the people who need it.

Remember, we’re all in this together. Thank you for your help. It couldn’t come at a more important time.

-Senator Doug Jones


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