[1]Democrats[2]Join us.
Donate. One time.
That is the contribution we're asking you to make to the Democratic National Committee before the debate and early voting begins.
If that is all you need to hear, please use this link to donate directly to the DNC today:
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Otherwise, please let us explain why this request is so important.
Donald Trump and his allies are using the millions of dollars they’ve raised to run general election ads in swing states across the country.
It is likely you won't be able to turn on a television or log on to the internet without seeing Kamala Harris and Democrats getting bombarded with attack after attack.
This stuff makes a difference, especially leading into the debate and the start of early voting. People will be seeing these attack ads on national TV for weeks.
That is why it is so important we raise the funds we need to counteract Trump and his allies. And the response to emails like this is such an important part of how we do that.
Can Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Democrats everywhere count on you to contribute directly to the Democratic National Committee today? Do it before the debate and early voting begins.
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Thank you in advance for contributing today to support Kamala, Tim, and Democrats down the ticket. It will mean a lot to our chances.
The Democratic Party
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