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September 8, 2024

Hear Dr Peter McCullough and his important story of how the government suppressed real science and promoted fake science.

Dr. McCullough’s message is the necessity to treat high-risk patients to help them avoid hospitalization and death. His conviction has been guided by his Hippocratic Oath to treat the sick to the best of his ability and judgment. However, his important work on early treatment was not welcomed by public health authorities. For speaking the truth about COVID, he was stripped of professorships at Texas A & M and Texas Christian University/University of North Texas Schools of Medicine, and removed from multiple pharmaceuticals, National Institutes of Health, and medical society positions. He was later sued by his former institution for a temporary restraining order to effectively silence him in the media.

Register for Eagle Council and listen to his important lessons. The disastrous actions of the government and medical bureaucracies in 2020 will be repeated. We must be prepared for the lies, fake science, and suppression of speech!
Register Today!
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Celebrate a Hundred Years of Phyllis!
2024 is the Centennial of the birth of Phyllis Schlafly. She led a movement. How did she do it?
  • LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP tells the secret sauce of Phyllis’s extraordinary career.
  • LEADERS are not born but made. Phyllis inspired millions of women to become leaders.
  • This inside story of Phyllis Schlafly is told by her daughter, Anne Schlafly.
$20.00 each

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60-pages, 5.5" x 8.5" booklet

Order Today!
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