August 13th, 2019
Listen To Today's Podcast:
In this episode I address the major court ruling yesterday that has the deep state players quaking in their boots. I also address the troubling new debt numbers that could collapse our economy. Finally, I address this suspicious redaction in the Bruce Ohr 302s.
ORDER NOW: Debunk This!: Shattering Liberal Lies
The latest book from Matt Palumbo with the forward written by Dan Bongino.
The biggest liberal myths of the modern age are exposed and debunked.
If you’re in need of ammunition to shoot down liberal lies, this is the book for you!
Biden Proposes Biomechanics and Buy Back Programs in Addition to Assault Weapons Ban
Former Vice President Joe Biden may not know where supporters can go to contribute to his campaign, but he sure is convinced he knows how to solve gun violence. In a New York Times column, Biden said he would “accelerate the development and deployment of smart-gun technology…so that guns are keyed to the individual biometrics…
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991