The Trump administration’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak, racial attacks reported by the Asian-American community, and the disproportionate high mortality rates of Black people across the nation demand our attention in addressing the structural racist roots of this harm in order to be able to move toward solutions.
Please join us on Friday, May 8th for a new webinar: #RaceAnd Pandemics: COVID-19 and Global Diseases Through a Structural Lens.
Early regional and national data indicates that Black, Latinx, and Native communities are being hit hardest by the ongoing global pandemic. The racialization of COVID-19 is representative of the ways systemic and structural racism have historically affected these communities, and as a result, continue to show up during this perilous moment.
The #RaceAnd Pandemics webinar will use a systemic racial analysis to examine the structural roots of the racialization of global diseases. We’ll take a look at:
- The interconnected policies, practices, institutions, culture, and ideologies that disenfranchise Black and Brown people.
- How the racialization of diseases advances systemic racial inequalities that causes lasting harm to generations of Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color and their communities.
Our goal is for participants to bring this understanding back to their institutions, organizations, and communities as a tool to shift the conversation on structural racism from individual to systemic, as we work to find long-term solutions in the time of COVID-19, and beyond.
Join us on May 8th, because it’s never race alone. It’s always #RaceAnd.
P.S. For an even deeper training on sharpening your skills and strategies to address structural racism and advance racial equity, we’ve added new dates for our virtual Building Racial Equity trainings for the month of May. To register, click one of the dates below: