Dear Friend,

IWF’s Claudia Rosett is reporting from Hong Kong on what the ongoing protests against China mean for the entire world:
The problem here is not the protesters. ...What they are asking for is freedom…

What we are seeing right now is actually incredible bravery on the part of the people of this marvelous city of Hong Kong.

...You are seeing a free society running up against the world’s most powerful tyranny… that’s what this is about.   

…The whole free world should be speaking up to support the demands of the people of Hong Kong. These are reasonable demands.These are what they were promised under a treaty...  

The Hong Kong people have no other way to make their will felt in their politics at this point than to turn out in the street. That’s China’s doing, not the people of Hong Kong.
Be sure to watch Claudia’s full interview from yesterday with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, and stay tuned for more from Claudia and IWF on this critical fight for freedom. 
It's important to have people like her who can make a passionate and principled case for promoting freedom abroad in order to advance America's interests.  

With thanks,

Carrie Lukas