Mark Kelly for Senate

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Hey John, it’s Mark Kelly. My friend Debbie Murcasel-Powell is running for Senate in Florida, and we’re working to support her. I hope you’ll read the message below from Debbie, and consider splitting a donation between her campaign and mine.


We did it, John —

I am now the official Democratic nominee in a race that could determine which party will control the Senate.

I couldn't have gotten this far without supporters like you, and as we enter the final lap of the race, your continued support is the only way I'll win: Especially when recent polls show this race statistically tied.

Even though CNN calls Rick Scott one of the most vulnerable senators on the map, his campaign still has hundreds of millions of dollars of his personal fortune at its disposal to fuel the most bizarre and dishonest attack ads possible about me. I need my message to beat his to the chase, and I can't do that without you.

So with the primary behind us, the real battle begins now — and I'm counting on 20,000 supporters getting on board by midnight to show the GOP that our grassroots movement is unstoppable. Please, will you donate $5 to split between me and Mark Kelly now to become an official General Election Founding Donor, help me retire Rick Scott, and flip Florida blue?

Donation ask image.


Thing is, John, this race was always bigger than just me defeating Rick Scott. There's so much more at stake, like stopping a Scott-run Senate from green-lighting all Trump's worst authoritarian whims, or holding the Supreme Court accountable, and saving abortion here in Florida.

And with not just Scott but shady outside entities spending millions to keep Florida red, our reproductive freedoms under their thumb, and our voices silenced, we can't have anyone sitting on the sidelines from here on out.

Our movement is now closer than ever to flipping Florida blue, so if you're with me in this from now until November, then please, John: Will you be one of the first people to become a General Election Founding Donor with your donation of $3 or more to split between me and Mark Kelly today?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Truly, thank you so much for believing in me and this movement — I hope to see your name on that list.

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell


Paid For By Mark Kelly for Senate

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Mark Kelly was a Captain in the U.S. Navy and astronaut. Use of his military rank, job titles and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or Department of Defense and reference to NASA does not imply endorsement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.