Click Here to Submit Your Intentions for Eight Holy Masses, Sept.

Dear Friend,
Here is the link to Day Three of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross – The 7
Sorrows of Our Lady, where you will find inspiration and prayers,
including scripture on the First Sorrow of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, Simeon Prophesies That A Sword of Sorrow Will Piece Mary’s
Soul. You can lift up your own urgent needs. Please ask that many
graces be bestowed upon Cardinal Burke.
If you haven’t had a chance
to submit your intentions or would like to
update them, please do so
now. After Day Three, only those who have submitted intentions will
receive Days 4-10.
Together, let us Storm Heaven
during these 8 days of prayer, gazing at the Crucified Christ and
pleading with Our Mother of Sorrows to intercede for our needs and
those of His Eminence, Cardinal Burke.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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