Dear John,
Safety should be the highest priority when considering when to reopen schools
On Tuesday Governor Newsom explored the idea that K-12 schools might reopen in late July or early August. While reopening schools is essential to getting our economy moving again, the health and safety of our students, teachers, and staff should be our highest priority when making this decision. Additionally, any decision to reopen schools must ultimately be done at the local level based on sound public health guidance; through collective bargaining with local unions; and with the input of educators, school workers, parents, and the community.
Governor Newsom has done an excellent job leading our state through the COVID-19 crisis. We appreciate the way he has handled the crisis in a data-driven way, putting the health and safety of California residents first. As we continue these discussions, we are confident that decisions will continue to be made based on scientific evidence.
This weekend the CFT State Council, Division Council, and Committees will meet to discuss when and how to safely reopen in-person K-12 schools and community colleges. CFT leaders will share this feedback about what our students and our school workers need for the call to be made to open schools in our continuing discussions with the Governor’s office and the California Department of Education.
Do you have thoughts about how and when to reopen schools and colleges? Please let us know your thoughts at
AFT releases landmark plan to safely reopen America’s schools and communities
Coming on the heels of Governor Newsom’s announcement this week, the AFT has just released a comprehensive plan on safely reopening schools.
The 20-page, science-based “Plan to Safely Reopen America’s Schools and Communities” is the result of a collaboration of public health professionals, union leaders, and frontline workers to prepare for what happens next in the period between flattening the curve and truly eradicating the COVID-19 virus.
There are five core recommendations in AFT’s plan to safely reopen schools:
1. Maintain physical distancing until the number of new cases declines for at least 14 consecutive days before opening schools.
2. Put in place the infrastructure and resources to test, trace, and isolate new cases.
3. Deploy the public health tools that prevent the virus’ spread and align them with education strategies that meet the needs of students.
4. Involve workers, unions, parents and communities in all planning.
5. Invest in recovery: Provide more—not less—investment in public health and in our schools, universities, hospitals, and local and state governments.
As AFT President Randi Weingarten put it, “[This] blueprint serves as a stark contrast to the conflicting guidance, bluster and lies of the Trump administration. The input of educators and healthcare workers, as well as parents, is crucial in making any reopening plan work. They are the eyes and ears, and are indispensable in making any plan work safely and effectively. We hope this blueprint will be the start of a real discussion on reopening schools, universities and other workplaces that allows our workers and families not only to dream of a safe and welcoming future, but to realize it.”
Tell Mitch McConnell: Forcing our cities and states into bankruptcy is shameful and indefensible
The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to cripple our state and local governments, including school districts and community colleges. Across the nation, as many as 275,000 teachers and school workers could potentially lose their jobs. And in California, K-12 funding could be cut by as much as 15%.
Tell Mitch McConnell: Forcing our cities and states into bankruptcy is shameful and indefensible
Despite this sober news, last week Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said it would be better to force cities and states into bankruptcy instead of providing local governments with the resources and support we need during this global crisis.
Forcing our cities and states into bankruptcy is shameful and indefensible. To protect our economy and our communities from the devastation of COVID-19, we need a massive reinvestment in public services. We must fund state and local governments, public schools and the U.S. Postal Service over prioritizing bailouts for billionaires and corporations.
Please sign the petition today, and make it clear to Senator McConnell that you oppose his plan to force our states to go bankrupt in the middle of fighting COVID-19.
Tune into Facebook Live Friday at 2:30 p.m. for the latest COVID-19 update from CFT President Jeff Freitas
CFT President Jeff Freitas will host his weekly Facebook Live broadcast tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. (new time for this week due to CFT Division Council meetings) to discuss the latest updates on the COVID-19 pandemic. Tune in here.