Folks, I am going to make this quicker than a cat on a hot tin roof.
The Socialist Democrats are after me like hounds from hell. They are spending bushels of cash to HOLD the Senate and hitting us over the head with attack ad after attack ad.
I'm no numbers guy, but my finance team says we have to raise $10,000 by 11:59 PM to be on track to reach our goal of taking back the Senate. If they say it, they mean it.
Pitch in before midnight tonight to get us over the top! I know when things get tough, I can come to you. Will you throw a few bucks my way? I am fighting tooth and nail to FLIP the Senate RED and get this country back on the right track but it's pricier than a grocery store run in Biden's economy.
The swamp won't drain itself.
'Nuff Said!
God Bless,
Senator John Kennedy
Folks, our country was founded by geniuses but it's being run by idiots. And if you trust the government, well then you obviously failed history class.
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