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The average household has LOST roughly $2,000 of purchasing power since Biden took office. They are also poorer today than four years ago.

  • The cost of living is 20% higher today than four years ago, so most workers have real wage declines.
  • Credit card debt recently hit an all-time high and delinquencies are rising.
  • 40% of Americans say that their finances are getting worse.

This election IS about the ECONOMY!

NEW Economy Bumper Sticker

The American economy has stalled. Inflation is rising. The most important issue in the 2024 election is the ECONOMY. Vote for growth!

$5.00 each

Quantity discount: 3-9 @ $4 each; 10+ @ $3 each

Bumper Sticker measures 6 x 3.59 inches

Buy Now!
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EAGLE COUNCIL 52  SEPT. 26-28, 2024  ST. LOUIS, MO
JUST CONFIRMED:  GLENN BECK will speak as well as his wife, Tania Beck, our Full-time Homemaker of the Year Award recipient!  You don’t want to miss meeting the Becks at Eagle Council 52 and hear what they have to share!
Register Now!
Celebrate a Hundred Years of Phyllis!
2024 is the Centennial of the birth of Phyllis Schlafly. She led a movement. How did she do it?
  • LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP tells the secret sauce of Phyllis’s extraordinary career.
  • LEADERS are not born but made. Phyllis inspired millions of women to become leaders.
  • This inside story of Phyllis Schlafly is told by her daughter, Anne Schlafly.
$20.00 each

(10+ @ $15 each; 25+ @ $10 each)

60-pages, 5.5" x 8.5" booklet

Order Today!
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