John, will you be tuning into this week’s Presidential Debate?
Vice President Harris Will you be tuning into the Presidential Debate on September 10th @ 9pm? Donald Trump
Response requested prior to the 11:59PM deadline.

John, we're reaching out to our top Pennsylvania Democrats because it’s URGENT.

Polls show Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in a dead heat -- meaning this debate could MAKE OR BREAK Democrats’ chances of taking the lead.

We need all hands on deck to deliver a Democratic victory in the House in just a few short weeks, John.

That’s why we want to make sure you'll tune in to watch VP Harris hand Trump a DEVASTATING defeat on national television during Tuesday’s debate.

But we just checked in with our team, and as of 2:30pm, your name is still not on our RSVP list!

John, our survey will take just a few minutes to fill out, and it's critical for House Democrats to know if Pennsylvania Democrats will be watching the debate. Let us know:
Will you watch the Presidential Debate on September 10th, 2024?

Thank you,

DCCC Online Research Team

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