The latest Coronavirus and NDIS news - without the spin or jargon
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Hi Supporter,
It’s been another busy week with lots of changes to the NDIS.
But perhaps the most important change - the National Disability Insurance Agency have finally confirmed the process for buying a smart device from your NDIS funds if you need one for support during this time.
Smart devices, tablets, iPads – whatever you want to call them, you can finally buy one with your NDIS funds
After a few weeks of fits and starts, finally this week the NDIA confirmed the process for buying a smart device with your NDIS funds.
You can buy a smart device like a tablet with your NDIS funds if:
✅ You need it for your disability support during this period. Things like therapy or personal support. Not bingeing on Netflix – just disability support.
✅ You don’t already have something that will get the job done.
✅ You don’t have access to something through another system that will get the job done. On this one they are really talking about education. Or if you are a parent – your personal laptop or computer.
✅ The device is the “lowest specification” necessary to get the job done. In other words, this isn’t the time for a fancy upgrade.
✅ And you have something in writing confirming you need it. Doesn’t have to be a full blown assessment from a therapist but just something in writing [[link removed]] to say it’s necessary. Just an email will be OK.
To be honest it’s not that different from what Scott McNaughton told us in our Zoom forum [[link removed]].
But there is some more info particularly around price limits so we encourage everyone to check it out before buying anything.
Read a short summary of the changes on our website [[link removed]] NDIS access request form finally available
This one really needs a drum roll.
It’s only taken seven years but the NDIS Access Request Form [[link removed]] is finally available on the NDIS website.
Now, such a small thing might not seem such a big deal - but it is.
People have asked for the form to be available since the scheme began – and putting the form online was one of the recommendations from the Tune review into the NDIS [[link removed]].
So we are really glad this has finally happened.
It is an important step in making it easier to apply for the NDIS.
Find out more on our website [[link removed]] And finally…
We are launching a survey to check in with you to see how things are going.
The NDIA have introduced lots of changes as a result of the Coronavirus – and we want to know how they are working (or not working) for you.
We also want to know what else needs to be done to keep you and your loved ones safe and well during this difficult time.
You can tell us as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.
Just click on the link here to go straight to the survey – [[link removed]]
We also have an Easy Read version of the survey on our website [[link removed]] or you can download it directly here [[link removed]].
There is also a question in the survey about what else EAC could do to help you at the moment.
Because the only way we are all going to get through this is together.
Thank you for all that you do.
Kirsten and the Every Australian Counts team
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