Are you going to join our movement, John?

Each day I'm working with volunteers and leaders across our community to build a better future for Iowa's hard-working families. But, as the only Democrat in Northwestern Iowa who can stand up for our community in the state legislature, I have to tell you, it's not enough.

Look at what Governor Reynolds and her extremist buddies have been able to do:

Enact a near-total abortion ban,

Cut apart the Area Education Associations,

Loosen Iowa's gun laws,

Deny hungry kids a decent lunch during the summer months,

And so much more.

It's clear that we need more Democrats in the state legislature. Will you split a donation between Roseann Plante, Jess Lopez-Walker, and my campaign to elect all three of us to the Iowa legislature?

Donate Now

Governor Reynolds and other extremists in Des Moines are planning to import National-Republican solutions to solve imaginary problems. It's not what Iowa's families want or need. Which is why I need your help to put an end to it, John.

It's our responsibility to stand together with Democrats in our community and grow our movement even more. I am working with my friends Roseann Plante and Jess Lopez-Walker to get them elected to the Iowa state legislature so we can work together to Stand Tall for All. Because together we stand up for working families and stop far-right extremists from undermining our freedoms.

Will you Stand Tall for All with us by splitting a $11 donation between Roseann, Jess, and my campaign today? We have less than 60 days until election day, and we need your help to build a Democratic movement in Northwestern Iowa.

Stand Tall for All,


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