Let's make transport better, greener and fairer for all.
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Hello Supporter

I hope you are well. I am Michael, Head of Campaigns at Campaign for Better Transport. I am writing today to say thank you for your support, whether you donate, take action for better transport, spread the word to others, or simply stay up to date with our campaigns.

We have the ability to change the world in so many positive ways

Fundamentally, for me, campaigning for better transport is facing the climate emergency head on and committing to doing something about that. It is also so much more: it is working for equality and social justice, for healthy communities, for connecting people to opportunities, for helping people to be healthier, physically and mentally.

By advocating for change, we help to make life better for people

I feel very passionately that the experience of the journey matters. We are all on a journey through life, so we want to enjoy it, and the same applies to every train trip, bus ride, tram ride, walk, wheel and cycle. I find this endlessly inspiring and motivating.

Above all (and we do need to keep reiterating this, as it can be forgotten far too easily), public transport and travel is something for all of us to share.

I am pleased to be on this journey with you, working for a better future by campaigning for better transport. If you wish to reply and share your own motivations and passions, I would be delighted to read your email.

Best wishes, 
Michael Solomon Williams 
Head of Campaigns, Campaign for Better Transport 
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