The Thorn West

The Thorn West is a state and local news roundup compiled by members of DSA-LA. Our goal is to provide a weekly update on the latest developments in state and local politics, and to track the issues that are most important to our membership.


Issue No. 214 - September 6, 2024


State Politics


  • Governor Newsom has called for a special legislative session in the fall, specifically to pass SB 950, legislation that is intended to prevent spikes in the cost of gas. The Assembly did not vote on SB 950 this session, after it was passed in the Senate.



City Politics




Police Violence and Community Resistance

  • Despite historically high starting salaries, one in six positions on the California Highway Patrol are unfilled.



  • The legislature passed several bills to combat speeding this session, including one that would mandate that all cars sold in state warn drivers when they are ten miles per hour over the speed limit, and another that would install speeding cameras on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.


  • Another piece of legislation allowing municipalities to seek federal loans for transportation infrastructure may allow the acceleration of the planned extension of the K-Line from LAX to Hollywood, which is currently on a three-decade timeline.

Environmental Justice


  • Following severe landslides on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, utility companies have shut off power to several hundred homes. Governor Newsom has declared a state of emergency.