General Election Kickoff Canvass for Shaun Scott

This Saturday, Sept 7 11AM

Montlake Playfield (1618 E Calhoun St)



We’re kicking off our campaign for the general election! Help us elect Democratic Socialist member and candidate Shaun Scott to Olympia.Thanks to volunteers like you, we did great in the primary election election, with Shaun winning 59% of the vote!

We can’t stop yet though – business and landlord interest groups can now consolidate around pro-corporate candidate Andrea Suarez. We can beat Andrea Suarez and her wealthy donors, but only with mass action. Join us to get the word out about Shaun and win this general election.

We’ll be meeting at Montlake Playfield at 11am. No experience required, training will be provided on site and you will be paired with experienced volunteers!

Who is Shaun Scott? Read more about him here.


Palestine Solidarity Tabling

Today, Friday 9/6 @ 6:15
South Capitol Hill QFC (1401 Broadway)


This Sunday 9/8 @ 11am
Fremont Sunday Market (3401 Evanston Ave N)



Join us as we gather boycott pledges & talk with community about building the movement for Palestinian Liberation!

Let’s keep building the movement to cut ties with companies linked to Israel’s genocide. Come talk to people in our community about our consumer boycott campaign of the companies most active in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.




Join us on the picket lines in Renton 9/14 from 12-4pm, then join us at Hop Garden afterwards for a social from 4-6! (If the strike is averted, we will still have the social!)


On July 17th, between 20,000 and 25,000 from the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace workers local 751 (IAM 751) packed T-Mobile Stadium for a historic strike authorization vote, which they passed by 99.9%.

On September 12th, 2024, the contract between the 32,000 machinists in IAM 751 and the Boeing Company will expire. Right now Machinists are in the process of bargaining with Boeing, with economic demands as well as demands around safety for the flying public.

It is up to the Machinists to decide whether they want to strike or not. But we want to send a strong message that the community has their backs. Should the machinists go on strike, will you commit to joining them for a shift on the picket line in Seattle, Everett, Renton, or Frederickson?

Why is this important?

The biggest factory in the world is right here in the Puget Sound in Everett. Boeing Machinists in IAM 751 are part of one of the biggest labor unions in the region, and have a lot of power to change society, so it's important that we stand in solidarity with them as they exercise it.

Let's stand in solidarity with the machinists, and show up for them on the picket line!